Behind the Scenes: How RevUp Software is Powering your business

2 years ago

What’s Revving our engine?

Remote Patient Monitoring reminders and lesser-known features of RevUp that really help your workflow.

Many factors go into the scalability and sustainability of an RPM program – what’s working and what’s not likely becomes apparent quickly as your practice embarks on your remote care journey, allowing our team and yours to assess and adjust. But do you know what single action could make or break the success of your remote care program?

How about your patient opening the box?

Without the smooth logistics that happen between enrollment and device activation, there’s a lot standing in the way of effective patient engagement. Our product and implementation teams are behind the scenes ensuring that gaps in process are minimized and your workflows remain intact.

In this blog, we are highlighting product enhancements that guide patient adoption, so that minimizing gaps in process translates into closing gaps in care.

Consistent Communication from Enrollment to Device Activation

From the initial call from an Enrollment Specialist, SMS and email communications take the patient step by step through the process of initiating their prescribed remote program, customized to patient preferences.

Continued Digital Engagement

Ongoing digital engagement through RevUp applications, email, and SMS supplement one on one clinical monitoring and assessments.

How Can We Help?

Find out what Remote Patient Monitoring can do for the health of your patients and your practice by reaching out to our MD Revolution team today.