Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) uses connected medical devices to collect non-physiological data, such as adherence to a treatment plan, including medication or lifestyle habits, musculoskeletal system status, respiratory system status, therapy response, pain levels and tolerance to therapy. RTM improves providers’ clinical insight and understanding of a patient’s health status beyond in-clinic appointments.

Patients can also self-report data through devices and software. RTM is different from remote patient monitoring (RPM), which focuses on physiological data like blood pressure and oxygen levels.

Our Difference

We’ve learned that patients are more responsive when their care is more responsive. Of the  hundreds of conditions we’re built to manage, we’ve developed extensive patient-centered care plans to support pain management, physical activity and lifestyle tracking, and medication adherence. 

Not only do our RTM programs enable more frequent communication through motivational interviewing, but they also improve clinical workflow efficiencies and reduce administrative costs associated with in-clinic care. 

Because of the considerable operational benefits, our RTM programs enable identification of symptomatic and social cues, cues that ultimately allow for earlier intervention and reduction of downstream costs of care. Often this translates into reduction of unnecessary surgeries, imaging, ER visits or hospitalizations.

By improving visibility to health-related outcomes, such as pain scores, patient reported symptoms and therapy adherence, our remote therapeutic monitoring programs support providers in identifying issues, timely intervention, and adjusting the patient’s care plan accordingly.

Medicare Billable Codes

Medicare billable codes for RTM include:

  • 98976: Represents supplying one or more devices for respiratory system status under remote therapeutic monitoring
  • 98977: Represents supplying one or more devices for musculoskeletal system status under remote therapeutic monitoring
  • 98980: Covers the first 20 minutes of remote therapeutic monitoring services and treatment provided by clinical staff per month
  • G0511: For Rural Health Clinics or Federally Qualified Health Centers (RHC or FQHC) only, 20 minutes or more of general care management provided by clinical staff. G0511 incorporates multiple codes to keep costs down, covering services for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring and more

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Features + Benefits

Engage and Encourage Self-Management

Guide patients to timely preventative care through telephone coaching and digital patient engagement

Reverse the Paradigm of “Disease Care”

Provide better channels for patients to self-report health outcomes, proactively

Efficiency & Scalability

Enable providers to reach more patients, without adding additional staff

Patient-Provider Relationships

Arm patients with trust that their provider is tracking their progress and is invested in their outcomes

Increase Net Patient Revenue

Improve clinical workflow efficiencies, enhance staff productivity, and reduce in-clinic administrative costs

Data-Driven Decision Making

Learn from medication reconciliation and trends in patient reported symptoms